Wednesday 4 September 2013

'Feckless' optimism and car cameras

I love the smell of back to school in the morning. Smells like victory.

Actually, this morning I probably wasn't smelling very much, as I drearily stumbled around, bumping into things, trying to find coffee in the most unexpected places, like the oven, and generally thinking that if I willed it enough I could time-turner the shit out of my life, with the outcome being, rather than Hermione-style keener-ness and altruism, grabbing a few more hours of sleep.

[okay, that was hyperbole, as I'm sure you've deduced. I didn't actually look for coffee in the oven. Now, in the shower... that's a different story]

BUT. That said, going back to school felt entirely right. I know I will probably be eating my words in a few weeks time (not at all unlike Werner Herzog eating his shoe), but, today at least, I was sufficiently swept up by the intoxicating promise of a new term, actually having some work of substance to keep me busy and provide me with some sense of purpose, and the glories of expanding my mind with regular immersion in the delights of Deleuze, Lacan, and Zizek.

...yeah, I'm overindulging in optimism here. Between classes on theory and violence, Cinephile, teaching and life, this is probably actually going to be me:

I'm surprised it took me this long to bust out the best Cronenbergian gif ever.

But, Kelly and I did get to set up our office today, which was a pretty nifty feeling. Nifty enough, that when I got to Kristy's after school and made a crack about "Oh honey, I'm exhausted after a long day at the office", she pointed out that it was actually applicable. Snap! 

In conclusion, to continue my train of seemingly incurable optimism, I am back in Vancouver, feeling great about it, and, tuition frustrations aside, pretty pumped for school. 

[side note: I wanted to use the word "feckless" just there, but, upon dodecachecking the definition, decided it didn't quite allow for the emphasis I wanted. However, I found it to be cool enough that it was worth giving a shout out to anyway. My runner-up for blog structuring device, if not 'fact of the day' was 'word of the day', don'tcha know] 

ANWAY! Here's my back to business fact o' the day, courtesy of Jon Stewart, circa Kristy (as usual):

#43: It has become a trend in Russia to install outward-facing cameras in the front of cars.

Apparently, this is usually to try to debunk cases of fraud of people faking incurring injuries from being hit by cars (my immediate response: "Why have I never tried that?"), or to catch people destroying or vandalizing cars. But sometimes they also catch meteorites on film. And trucks full of cows toppling over. And horses on highways. And all sorts of amusing things, as The Daily Show's video details. 

So there you have it. Consequently, this factoid led to me watching a bunch of The Daily Show (which I should really watch... like... every day. Why don't I? Seriously) with Kristy, and learning a bunch more about the situation in Syria (which, again - why don't I know more about? Ahhhh, I digress). Nonetheless, an informative and largely enormously positive day. 

Apart from me throwing a minor tantrum when I ran into some difficulties trying to pay my tuition last minute. Kristy assures me it was more cute than annoying. I hope she's telling the truth. 

And, in conclusion, now I have class tomorrow that my outdated copy of the syllabus didn't inform me existed, so I must adjourn to bed. Best perk of still being effectively on Ontario time? Not staying up until friggin' 3am Vancouver time all the time anymore. Yeah, that's pretty rad. 


Sunday 1 September 2013

In this post...

(couldn't resist) 

In this post, I reference every movie, book and comic known to humankind. Well, almost.

Finally, a blog post from Calgary! I know you've all been waiting on bated breath.


An obvious gif and everything? What's happening to you, Hatch? 

Shut it, perceived-voices-of-readers-in-my-own-head.

And now, to honour a pic Kristy pulled up, which instantly became one of my favourites, and all too illustrative of my own life:

Yeah. It's the best, all right.

[in my best Loki voice] Enough of this madness! I have a blog to write, you dull creatures, and I will not be bullied by... Well, okay. My references have officially collapsed upon themselves. Well done, sir. 

SO YEAH. I've been having a spectacularly swell visit here in Calgary, chock full of good chats with family members long cherished, and good bonding moments with those I've seldom gotten the chance to talk to. Overall, pretty damn nifty. Still feeling like I'm very much on a roll of late in terms of life and interpersonal interactions and positive personal growth 'n stuff of late, and enjoying every second of it. AND, today I even got to see Banff for the first time, which was pretty stellar. So there. 

Is it weird that every time I say the word "Banff" I want to pronounce it as "Bamf", which, to me, should make me think of "badass motherfucker" but ultimately makes me think of Nightcrawler? 

Okay. Reining myself in now. 

Heh. Heh. Reindeer. 

Apparently I should just rewatch The Avengers. Sheesh. As RDJ would respond: "Good move." 

OKAY, FACT TIME. Many facts, to be specific, since I stole three more from Bill Bryson's phenomenal The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, and have one from actual life experience. Like whoa, man! 

Here we go. 

#39: In the 1950s, they seriously attempt to kickstart mail being delivered by rocket as an exciting new life venture. Needless to say, it didn't catch on.

#40: Likewise, people would flock to Las Vegas to witness atomic bomb tests - not even from much of a safe distance, as they would feel the rush of the blast, and joke about how radioactive they were - as a tourist attraction. 

#41: Macgregor clothes once designed a clothing line geared specifically for watching television. Suffice to say, it also did not catch on. 

So, yes, the 1950s was a silly, albeit fascinating, time. But here's one I witnessed myself. Are you ready? Here it comes! 

#42: Babies can have zits. 

How do I know this, you query (or, perhaps, if you have more experience with babies than me, you're chuckling at my naivete. Or lack of experience with babies. Whichever)? Why, from spending some time with my newborn cousin, who happens to have had an adorable little case of baby-breakout! Cool, no? 

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, it's 4am (or 3am Vancouver time... or 6am Waterloo time. Friggin' time zone confusion). I should probably sleep. I have a wedding to crash - okay, fine, attend... I'm not actually as cool as Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn - tomorrow. But, let it be known that one of the things I am most excited for, returning to Vancouver, is the chance to see The World's End again. Now that is a fucking phenomenal movie. See it, and conclude the glorious Cornetto trilogy in style. Seriously. 

Okay, I think I've safely referenced virtually every movie in existence by now. So now, I'ma make me an offer I can't refuse, get a bigger (metaphorical) boat, not talk about Fight Club, and instead take the red pill, and pop off to dreamland... where we won't need roads. 

And your response? 

Ahhhh, yes.