Friday 8 November 2013

Now I want to listen to System of a Down's "Prison Song"...

Bleh. Quick post today, as Sisyphean struggle with procrastination, schoolwork anxiety, marking and Cinephile badassery continues. Since submitting my thesis proposal earlier this week (I "celebrated" by posting this video to Facebook... this is my life these days) and my Inglourious Basterds essay today (it was nice to write on something other than superheroes but not Lacan/Zizek for a change), my mood has taken a drastic upturn, in spite of all the other work I have looming still. 

Oddly so, in fact, considering how lukewarm I feel about the quality of work I've submitted. Bit sad that completing things rather than completing things to more than a fragment of full satisfaction is all it takes to kick me into a better mood - but hell, I'll take it. The downside, of course, is that once I find that moment of calm happiness, I find that all of a sudden I've taken most of the afternoon off and am now (more) behind on work. And so it goes.

As a side note, considering how sleep-deprived I've been of late (Kelly pulled up the above gem, which beautifully sums it up), I thought it was worth giving a shout-out to how much better a mood I can find myself in when I'm bumbling along on 3 hours of sleep. My concentration, oddly enough, ratchets upwards, and I find myself pleasantly interested in just about everything I encounter - not to mention that just about everything becomes substantially funnier. Kristy equated it to being high, and -granted, speaking as a non-drug-partaker - I don't think she's particularly wrong. Regardless, it's a nice silver lining and momentary stress relief, and thus, it has my approval.

So, here is the fact that prompted me to cobble this little ditty together! Where did I get it from, you ask? Why, from the little sister of my best bud Becca, whose first year kinesiology essay I was editing as a "study break"this evening. Ready? Here goes!

#54: The cost of jailing an inmate in a New York City prison for one year exceeds the cost of four years of Harvard tuition.

Fo realsies? Fo realises. Check this out! Really makes you reconsider the structure of the current criminal justice system, especially considering what the article points out about most of the inmates being there for drug offenses...

Speaking of, if you were curious about the System of a Down song, here it is. Makes a pretty good companion piece to this info. Listen and imagine you're Kevin in grade 10-11, feeling like a total badass.

And now, for your Jon Stewart-style moment of zen (and because the bandwagon of mocking and lambasting has nowhere near run its course yet), I bring you "39 Breathtaking Photos of Rob Ford".

Here are my favourites. Good day to you.

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