Tuesday 6 May 2014

In the middle of the street

How one feels after a sixteen hour move - Exhibit A:

"Not bad."

Also, searching for that picture lent me to this one, which feels entirely adorably and 'May the Fourth' appropriate.
Did I mention I saw a Star Wars burlesque show called "The Empire Strips Back" on Sunday? Well, I did.

Anyway! "Sixteen hours?!" you query. "Surely that was a typo, and you meant 'Six hours.'"

Unfortunately not, true believers. You see, Kristy and I didn't get our moving van until 2:00pm, before which we spent four hours moving breakable items and food over... on our bikes. Afterwards, we went to go pick up our couch, move it down three flights of stairs, help the fellow we purchased our couch from move a dresser down three flights of stairs, then drive back to my place, move all of my stuff over, then unpack the van, then over to Kristy's place, move all of her stuff over, then back to both of our places to clean and pick up the remaining straggling bits. Phew!

At any rate, after the almost farcical proceedings that entailed trying to get out of my old place unscathed (including my batshit Greek landlady attempting to hold onto my damage deposit for a rather absurd reason that would be far too tangential to go into here... needless to say I finally got it back, thankfully - and fairly), Kristy and I finally landed in our beautiful new apartment together. And, after living here for almost  a week, we're not even surrounded by eye-high piles of boxes anymore! Indeed, our place is coming together rather marvelously. We have a clean and tidy bathroom and kitchen! We have a functioning couch, coffee table and TV! We even have a couple of pieces of art hung up! I have my own little man-cave *coughImeanstudycough* all set up!
 ...soon we won't even be still sleeping on a mattress on the floor! Hopefully.

But, considering all of the potential pitfalls and hiccoughs, things have, overall, gone rather swimmingly. I drove(!) a U-Haul(!!) for the first time in my life, and managed to do so without murdering anyone or destroying anything. Nothing broke in the movie, and - fingers crossed - we haven't even lost anything major. Everyone, while exhausted, stayed in good spirits throughout, and I really can't extend enough thanks to all who helped us on the day of.

And, throughout the flurry of subsequent unpacking, life has just kept on trucking along! I (finally!) finished and handed in the final chapter(!!!) of my thesis, which finally made me feel like I was digging into the meat of my argument! Yay! And, Kristy and I both got jobs(!!!!)... for which we were contacted for interviews for not only on the same day, but at the exact same time... and which we found out about - yes, you guessed it - within hours of each other. Boom. So, for the duration of July-August, call me a proud UBC Camps employee! Huzzah for temporarily staving off the horrors of unemployment!

So, with all this in mind, comes perhaps my most thematically consistent fact o' the day yet:

#60: You can purchase Tony Stark's house from the Iron Man trilogy... for $25 million.

Check it. Thankfully, thanks to the magic of movies, it wasn't actually destroyed in that sensational scene in Iron Man 3 (which is really worth watching again. It's not every day you get to see Iron Man shoot a piano at a helicopter. Oh wait - you could watch it every day. Drat)

At any rate, that's it for me! The girl has just awoken, and I am off to finish sorting out our cluttered bedroom with her. So, until(/if! Muhahahahaha!) you are fortunate enough to see our wonderful pad firsthand, wish us luck finishing setting 'er up!

And now, for your moment of zen, I give you: 12 classic love scenes improved by the addition of a chipotle burrito.


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