Monday 26 August 2013

Booties and circles and other suggestive sounding things

So, this is essentially me right now:

(Side note: I won't reveal how embarassingly long I spent trying to find a visual for this. Apparently the internet doesn't want to make gifs of Tobey Maguire dumping sand out of his Spidey-boot. Way to fail me at my moment of creative need, internet)

(Side note #2: we also had an amusing discussion about appropriate usage of the word 'booties'. Is it just for babies' footwear, or for short boots as well? Only the fashion Gods shall know for sure)

The point is, I went to the beach at Grand Bend today with Mike, Jess and Becca, and it was a barrel of fun. Going to the beach in Ontario makes for a wonderful novelty indeed - especially when accompanied by such stalwart friends as mine. From life-chats on inner tubes floating far enough out on the lake to get a lifeguard to whistle abrasively at us (a first!), to rapping Linkin Park on the car ride back, I had about as fun a day as I could ask for. 

And, sure enough, I even found me a beach-bound fact! Okay, it has nothing to do with the beach whatsoever. But Becca told it to me and it was interesting, so go do what Wolverine says, and listen up, kiddies. 

#37: There is a preconception that serial killers are known for being able to draw perfect circles. 

We interrogated this notion a bit over beachside beers and burgers tonight. Would that be because of their violently obsessive nature forcing them to compulsively practice? A deficiency in their brain that, while compromising on empathy, allows for particularly acute geometric awareness? A strange quirk of nature? Or complete bunk? I'm more inclined towards the latter, but it's an interesting urban myth regardless! 

Now, since I've run out of Hellboy to read (I'll be interested to see if the comic actually ever tops the near-apocalyptic one I just read), and this is the second day in a row I've kept myself up past 3:00am writing (not only on this blog post, silly - I've also been journaling a shit-ton more! And it's all happy stuff too! Yay!), I'm going to see myself to bed. Fare thee all well, one and all! 

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