Wednesday 14 August 2013

I am Jack's sleepy airport ruminations

Well then.

5:45am is a fun time. Especially when I've been awake for more than an hour. And went to bed about three hours ago. TWO HOURS OF SLEEP WOOOO.

I've been saving "hung over panda" for a special occasion. Though I'm not hung over, I think this is it. You may yet see him again, if my history of visiting Waterloo stays consistent. 

Does it even count as restful sleep when I had Weezer's "Can't Stop Partying" (yes still) stuck in my head? It seems to be my go-to tune for adding whimsical lyrics of my life to, and I ended up just polluting my head (and Kristy's too) by doing so last night. Dammit Hatch

Airports are fun times too though. On my way back to Waterloo now! Start singing ABBA at your own peril.'re doing it now, aren't you? Be honest.


Anyway, the airport news has informed me that today is the anniversary of the big 2003 blackout that all Ontarians still bond over as a rare example where we can pretend we have "natural disasters" and the like. So that's a thing.

Now I'm watching another news report of a new Rob Ford drunken debacle. Apparently there's a cell phone video of him drunk in public, slurring his words and talking about how all he wants to do is party. Maybe he's been hanging out with Weezer too much. At any rate, because the internet is awesome, here's a page of the best Rob Ford gifs. Most of them involve him falling.

And, as a teaser, here's my favourite, due to its sumptuous visual poetry: Rob Ford tripping while dismounting a scale.

Check out the back sweat. Sublime.

At any rate, I'm too tired to dredge up a decent fact today, but I can offer a 'lived experience' one for a change.

#31: Those 'moving sidewalk' dealies in airports are normally still and dormant, but when you stand on it, it detects your presence and starts moving.


Not revolutionary info? Well I DIDN'T KNOW IT at any rate, so I'M IMPRESSED.


Now I'm remembering Fight Club, and wondering if I'll have any comparable experiences. I could do without any single serving plane friends. Too tired and cranky. Even for Brad Pitt.

Although, knowing me, I'd probably end up channeling Kristy and having some harsh words about World War Z with him, and you know how that would turn out... 

Quite right, Ed Norton. 

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