Friday 23 August 2013


So this happened.

And the internet, predictably enough, explodes. My favourite is the one who describes him as looking like a 40 year old who still does kegstands. That's an image that's hard to shake.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not one to jump on the internet bandwagon of fan backlash just because. Most recently, I found myself standing my own against angry nerds threatening Shane Black's head for certain... creative liberties... in Iron Man 3 (does it still count as spoilers if you really have no excuse for not watching the majestic Iron Man 3 yet? Whatever. I'll respect that until the DVD release, at which point it's all bets off), and generally defending Man of Steel as one of the strongest superhero movies I've seen in years, which apparently is a controversial stance. I was even one of those people, way back in 2007, who, against the standard "WTF why is Heath Ledger the Joker" narrative, was one of those voices of cautious "Nolan knows what he's doing" optimism. Hell, I even still hold the much maligned Daredevil as one of my favourite guilty pleasures, so I'm not even against Affleck's almost universally ridiculed genre credentials.

But Batfleck is something I simply cannot get behind. Just say the name "Bruce Wayne" while looking at his stubbly smirk. I can't even describe it without starting to giggle. Nervously. Yes, Affleck has more than proven himself as a director of late. But a sterling director (and to me, thus far, he remains a "good not great" director - though admittably I've yet to see The Town) does not a quality actor make. And, even if it did, it does not guarantee good casting. Which, ultimately, is my main gripe - even if I adored Affleck, I would still find him hilarious, grotesquely miscast.

Director Zack Snyder came the closest to arguing for Affleck's presence by describing him as carrying the weight and presence of an actor who is far more established than Henry Caville, thus lending an interesting dynamic to their duo (OKAY I'M SORRY, I HAD TO). Fair enough. But surely there are dozens of other actors who could equally provide such screen presence while being better casting. Secretly, when they said "grizzled older Batman", a part of me was still holding out for the name that was thrown around the most 10 years ago when the prospect of adapting Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Strikes Again: Clint Eastwood. Yes yes, I know, he's far too old now, even for an "older Batman", but a lad can dream, can't he? But even if not him, the rumours of Richard Armitage as a more middle-aged Bruce Wayne were appealing. But seri-eeeeheeeheeeheee, sorry, my brain just remembered the word "Batfleck" and started giggling again. Good luck building towards your Justice League movie at this rate, DC. You're doing a bang-up job of following up Man of Steel.

Anyway, fanboy rant over. For now. My fact of the day - surprise surprise - is also Batman related.

#35: Bruce Wayne is named after Scottish patriot warrior and king, Robert the Bruce and American military legend 'Mad' Anthony Wayne.

As much as I'm still staunchly embedded in camp Marvel over DC, I will say this for DC: they sure did put a bit more thought into naming their characters than my idol, good ol' Stan 'The Man' Lee. As catchy as Peter Parker, Reed Richards, Bruce Banner, Sue Storm, Scott Summers, Betty Brant, Robbie Robertson and J. Jonah Jameson are as characters, I can't help but think the thought invested into naming them was somewhat less profound and researched.

Like most great writers, this is where Stan Lee probably took most of his inspiration from.

So, as I prepare for the monumental awesomeness of THE WORLD'S END - the conclusion of the 'Cornetto trilogy' by the man I can now, on the record, refer to as my favourite living director* - by having some beers with the ever-esteemed Mr. Grantaloon von Skeeternaut, have a MARVELous (okay, that was actually accidental, but I'm keeping it regardless. To quote my fantastic friend Wendy, "Coincidental puns are my life!") day, fraught with thoughts of BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry. Batfleck moment again.


*hopefully that title won't be disputed come tonight. Somehow I doubt it will be, though. Knock on wood regardless, though!  

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