Wednesday 28 August 2013

Yoooooouuuuurrrrr (watch) face is a company face

 Well, I probably wouldn't have blogged tonight, but Kristy beseeched me to. So... don't say I never did nothin' for you. Or something.

Anyhoo. Staying at my Grandmother's place in my last night in Ontario has stirred up a bunch of memories, seeing as the last time I was here I was saying goodbye to my Grandpa, who passed away in early January, but in a way it's sort of capping the whole emotional growth/memory untapping project of this whole trip nicely. A big agenda of mine of late has been to try to acknowledge when physical spaces store memories and emotions, but not letting myself be consumed and controlled by them, but instead working with them to fuse memories with forward momentum and growth, so being back here is kind of helpful in that way. At any rate, an appropriate culmination to the trip, and just as worthwhile.

Also, visiting my Grandmother this time proved especially awesome, as going through one of her bookshelves yielded some fairly fantastic finds. Check these out!

Yes "trenches". As in WWI. You'll notice the date is 1918.

And, for your reading pleasure, a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin (the "Young Folks' Edition", to boot!), dated 1912. Yes folks, this book is 101 years old.


In other completely unrelated world news, here is your dose of "web patriarchy systematically shut down" for the day, courtesy of Dr. Jill McDevitt, sexologist and Cosmo contributor. Also, your daily dose of the term "raw-dog". Hopefully.

In further unrelated news, this made me laugh:

Then I pictured Ben Affleck, and laughed some more. 

Moving on.

I have a fact and everything, courtesy of my Uncle Steven! Here goes!

#38: When you reach an anniversary at a major company (25 years of employment, etc.), they allow you to choose your commemorative gift from a website, like a wedding registry. 

Isn't that hilarious? This struck me as so typical of "our time", in a weird way. No "here's your watch" - it's "pick out your own bloody gift and order it from amazon on our dime, because we can't be bothered". The sentiment and personal agency in the matter is nice, but it strikes me as basically the reward equivalent of a gift card.

Consequently, I'll now have "The Company Way" from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying stuck in my head for the rest of the night. And yes, I went with the Radcliffe version because I hadn't heard him sing it yet, and this gave me an excuse to. Also, he's a cutie. Deal with it.

So there we go! Last Ontario blog. Next up: Calgary! Sayanara, fooz!

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