Tuesday 13 August 2013

Puzzle me this, puzzle me that

Well, less than two days before returning to Waterloo, and visions of bittersweetness are dancing around my little childish head. Seeing old and dear friends and family? Good! Location shift after a long, fairly stationary summer? Good! This trip basically marking the end of the summer? Bad.

Still, a change of scenery is feeling pretty essential at this point. It's been a pointed effort to not feel stagnant here of late. It doesn't help that I find myself sharing Thor's sentiments more often than not these days:

Despite tonight being a fun time, joining forces and food with old and new FIST crew (or "Dinosaurs" as we've affectionately dubbed ourselves), I find myself feeling a bit maudlin regardless. Perhaps it's because the song "Our House" by Madness just came on my iTunes. Sappy as it is, I always wanted to have that playing when I moved into a new place that I felt was firmly, inexorably a "home" for me - a new place I had coined as comfortably and happily mine. Suffice to say, it has yet to happen. Although I've been quite content and spoiled overall with my housing situations over the past several years, I haven't really had that feeling of true contentment and belonging in a singular place of dwelling since age 14. I find myself starting to get a bit of a deep ache for that sensation whenever I stop to dwell on it enough.

Isn't that funny? I don't often think about semi-permanent housing, but it just tumbled out of my fingertips just now. Apparently it occupies my thoughts more than I'm entirely conscious about. I suppose this is symptomatic of that elusive unicorn known as "growing up". Or something. Blech. 

Anyway, I have unearthed a fact and everything! To quote RDJ's Sherlock, "Observe..."

#30: Jigsaw puzzles were invented to serve as interactive maps, helping to teach geography. 

Specifically, according to Wikipedia, by John Spilsbury in 1760. Now you know. 

I was trying to think of a clever puzzle-related pun, but, for whatever reason, my mind has flashed to Jim Carrey as the Riddler in Batman Forever instead. 

Now that was a pretty wince-worthy unintentional comedy. Tommy Lee Jones. Why. You're so much better off as a sarcastic, scene-stealing Colonel in Captain America: The First Avenger. Gurf.

Why did I have the odd desire to wikipedia puzzles, you ask? Well, because I've decided the time has finally come to work on my Spider-Man puzzle passed on to me by my Dad. He was hoping I could work on it with my Grandpa - now deceased - so there's a bit of sentimental subtext. Also, puzzles are just fun. So yay.

This entry ended up more quietly maudlin than I had hoped, and, as is often the case, will likely misrepresent my mood as being more dour than it actually is. So, to save face, here's a picture of a hippo making friends with a tortoise. Let it warm your hearts, and fill your dreams with visions of sugarplum fairies.

Maybe I just want it to be Christmas....

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