Thursday 1 August 2013

Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun

Well, my big excitement of the day was having the incredible presence of mind to download the 'Blogger' app. So now I can blog on the go while I'm off on my amazing daily adventures! Isn't that fantastic?


Well, I was impressed by my technical 'prowess'. Also, I discovered the number of apps that have to do with whales, including one in which you blow into your phone and it howls out particularly discordant whale sounds back at you. This is what smartphones exist for.

Actually I lied. This is what smartphones exist for:
 (combining the words 'whale' and 'smartphone' in the same two sentences, I couldn't resist)

Jess also sent me 'First Person Sonic the Hedgehog', which I've been amusing myself with for the past while. Check 'er out! 

Actually, I lied twice: my big excitement of the day wasn't downloading apps. I've actually been putting in a lot of work lately, and sortakindamaybealittlebitnotreallybutI'lltakeit figuring things out for my fall work, course schedule, and, in a roundabout way, life after grad school in general. So yay, that's pretty awesome. 

However, I've also been making it more of a personal project to just enjoy things more, without constantly fretting about how I should be doing more. This, naturally, lead me to finally come to terms with my first 'unemployed' summer since age 15, and just enjoy it for what it was. And what it was, looking back on it, was pretty sweet. Very relaxing, very stimulating on numerous fronts, conducive to a bunch of reading and writing, both personally and academically, and privy to a bunch of personal developments, both good and bad. There were sad, stressful, scary and infuriating times, yes. But for the most part, things were blissfully happy and awesome. And it's the latter part I'm trying to concentrate on. 

Most of all, we've had some unprecedentedly kick-ass weather here in Van. Which, as a matter of fact, leads me to my fact 'o the day: 

#21: The record has just been broken (and by just I mean yesterday) for longest sunniest spell in Vancouver in recorded history. 

The Globe and Mail has the story here, but it was Kristy who tipped me off to this, so I have her to thank. The fact that this weather coincides with my current surge towards uncharacteristic optimism is no coincidence.

I just wrote "uncharacteristic optimism", and already have beef with that. I always self-define as a "cynical optimist". The order, however, is very deliberate. I can be extremely cynical - sometimes, as Kelly has called me out on, downright dour - and get sucked into being very down about certain things, small or large scale. That said, I still identify as being an optimist through and through. I genuinely care about an abundance of things - people, first and foremost. I like to think I focus most of my energy on things I love, and I hope that has reflected in this blog. 

I also maintain that the things that bother me do so to such a degree because of my fundamentally optimistic nature. I think it's my propensity to care about things as much as I do that leads me to being disappointed. This is something I'm not satisfied with, and an ongoing project has been learning to let things, and people, go. So far, so... better than ever before. 

So, to reiterate, I AM A HAPPY PERSON.


Well, today's unexpected deluge of rumination and postulating has been brought to you by lack of invigorating caffeine. As a closing note, if you're not already chuckling at me, commence chuckling at James Cameron for assuming people want to watch THREE more Avatar movies. To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon." 

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