Friday 5 July 2013

Ee chee wa maa! Bont Reh rehluu!

Oh hai.

So. Second post in as many days. So far, I have yet to disgrace myself. The week is young.

[Immediate tangent! I just spelled "disgrace" as "discrace" and totally failed to notice. Thanks beer. More like thanks Kristy for literacy. And stuff. Weirdly enough, the spell-checker on this contraption failed to pick up on my heinous typo. Curious, as the only spelling google brings up for "discrace" are a bunch of racist things on urbandictionary. That almost counts as a fact. I'm tired.]

Here's what I learned this evening, still tipsy after frolicking on Granville island and taking a 1:00am trip to McDonald's [ANOTHER TANGENT: DID YOU KNOW IF YOU BUY A HAPPY MEAL AT McDONALD'S YOU GET A DESPICABLE ME 2 MINION TOY? I just found this out, and my life is better for it. Here is what has been keeping me giggling for the past hour.].

Okay. For real. This many brackets is more obscenely indulgent than usual.

I come to you here, at 2:39 in the morning, to write about Ewoks.

Yup. These little buggers. Also, now you get to play 'one of these people is not like the others'. I just did. And you're doing what I tell you, since you're reading my indulgent mess here. Right? Right!


Here is my fact o' the day.

#2: The Ewoks, in Return of the Jedi, are largely Filipino.

Or, should I say, while speaking 'Ewokese', they are largely purloining key phrases from Tagalog, the language of the Philippines. "Ayon, puno daw 'to", which they say to C-3PO while worshipping him as a God, apparently means "There is a leader". Equally, "Wala na, wala na, patay", which they purportedly say when an Ewok is killed, means "No more, no more, dead".  

Apparently, Ewokese also appropriates bits of Swedish, and various dialogues from Mongolia, Africa, the South Pacific, and Russia. Good show, sound designer Ben Burtt, the man who also 'was' R2-D2 and WALL-E.  Y'know - just in case you needed more evidence towards the indisputable conclusion of him being awesome.

So there you have it. Thanks Wookieepedia, if only for being possibly the best named website on the planet (with the possible exception of fellow 'pedia' Bulbapedia, which, for reasons which I'm sure will become increasingly apparent, is still near and dear to me). Also, thanks Kristy, from whom I know at least two more things than I once did.


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