Saturday 13 July 2013

What are you going to do when you are done trolling New Zealand?


So, today was the Khatsahlano musical festival, and that was fun. Mostly navigated it by myself, though Ty and I checked out a band called Good For Grapes, who were pretty awesome.

As such, I found myself largely reflecting on music-related matters today. Well, actually I started out pondering whether having children teaches adults to allow themselves to have fun once again, shaking away the apathy that seems to come with the ethereal, dreaded construction known as "growing up".

Then I found myself really dwelling on the phrase "What are you going to do when you are not saving the world?" In a way, in spite of all the shitty things they have to deal with, superheroes are kind of set in the sense that they never have to struggle to find an objective in life that is fulfilling in the sense of "Am I doing good in the world?" Of course, more awesome heroes like Spider-Man would always serve to complicate that, as well as illustrate the crappiness of life and human nature...

...but it's still my "educated" opinion that, overall, in the midst of worrying about money, love, and family, ol' Pete Parker still goes off to sleep deeply believing that what he's doing is good and worthwhile. And that's why we love him, ain't it? 

Of course this also leads into, by extension, thematic and affective dimensions excessively advocating putting too much trust in a single person's moral standards to apply as "the greater good" that, if taken to an extreme, leads to a police state or fascism. Buuuuuut this is getting a bit too film studies-y, so I'll cut myself off there. Theses are fun. 

Back to music.

So, mulling over the myriad of complexities suggested (to me, anyway) by Martha Kent's simple words, I, naturally, couldn't get the track of the same name out of my head. It is, of course, Hans Zimmer's magnificent Superman score.

And that, of course, led me to thinking about John Williams' Superman theme - arguably the most iconic musical theme ever. Please. Debate me. I dare you. Other contenders? Also by John Williams.

Yeah, this guy is pretty much the bomb.

So, I started doing some digging on the ol' John Williams front, and I came across a piece of information so comical that it couldn't possibly not be my fact of the day. So here goes.

#10: John Williams' son, Joseph Williams, is the lead singer for the band Toto.

Yup. Toto. As in the deliciously 80s band responsible for the earwormiest of earworms, "Africa".

Yup. "Africa". The song that reached #1 in New Zealand this year, thanks to an inspired podcast called "The Edge", who successfully trolled the entire country into listening to it to the point of it reaching #1 over 30 years after its release. God bless New Zealand for their senses of humour.

So there you go! Speaking of music, SOMEBODY is seeing MAFAWKIN' WEEZER in Victoria tomorrow! And SOMEBODY is just a WEE BIT EXCITED about it!

(that somebody is me, just in case the caps didn't tip you off)

So, to drive the Toto out of your head, I will leave you with my favourite Weezer song, and most enthusiastically belted karaoke song. Ta ta!

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