Wednesday 17 July 2013

Size does matter



I was doing so well for so long, and gleefully rubbing it in everyone's face all the while.

"Are you still doing that blog of yours?" "Yup. Every. Single. Day. Ch-ch-ch-check it."

And then came Weezer. 

And, of course, that intoxicating, "Well, I've already missed blogging for a couple of days in a row, so I may as well not stress about getting an entry in today." And overall I'm fine with that. Life has been so phenomenally awesome for the past couple of days, I can afford a little lenience. It's not like any of you really care anyway. Unless you're one of those approximately two people (according to that creepy "page views" dealy) who's actually been following this semi-regularly. In which case, I wuv you. And stuff.

Back on track though!

Becky told me I should write an extra long post to make up for missed ones. I think I'm going to do the exact opposite, and make an extra-concise one, with less of my usual preamble-y crap. Why? Because suck it, that's why.

So, without further ado: my fact of the day. I'm actually cheating, because I learned this fact from Danae on Monday. Breaking all 'dem rules! Still, I thought this was too good not to be shared, so here goes!

#11: In Ancient Greek times, small penises were considered a sign of intelligence.

Basically, the Greeks were all about the de-aestheticization of the body in favour of intellect. So, to them, having a smaller penis was more indicative of privileging the brain as the most sexually desirable feature, rather than physicality. That's why so many famous statues from that time, and even later ones, like Michelangelo's David, had small penises - to emphasize their civility, intelligence, and desirability. Conversely, the stereotype about African Americans being well-endowed, sadly yet unsurprisingly enough, stems from a pretty racist tradition of demonizing them as being bestial, with their giant penises being seen as a sign of animalistic ferocity and savagery, being reduced exclusively to their bodies, with no higher considerations.

Le sigh.

So there you have it! In the words of the universally detested (except by me) 1990s Godzilla...

...just not maybe in the way you were expecting.

Sayonara kids! See you tomorrow (for realsies, I promise)!

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