Thursday 18 July 2013

Skeptical violence is violent

Today has provided me with even more quantifiable evidence towards, after getting quite acclimatized to not getting sufficient sleep, oversleeping actually making me feel far more tired. Observe: I finally get about nine hours of sleep last night, and I've been functioning like a walking zombie all day since. Kristy had to catch my writing "about nine of hours of sleep" in the preceding sentence. Yeesh.

That word always looks like "yeerk" to me. Sometimes I miss Animorphs. I re-read a couple last summer, during my brief phase of revisiting the books I obsessed over as a kid (holla Redwall!), and they still rock. Perfect nine year old melodrama.

The only plus is that I got a microcosmic smidgen more work done today than usual. A pathetic thing to be proud of, I realize. Nonetheless, I'll take it. Thesis writing is a slow business when it's so sunny out and the beach is so constantly alluring.

Nonetheless, my fact of the day is not my reverse-correlation between sleep and awakeness. Instead, since I'm too sleepy to think of any more clever (coughsnortyeahright) preamble, I'll just jump right to it. It's even vaguely related to thesis type stuff - too tired to even be comically non-sequitar! FAIL!

[side note: I introduced that to Kristy last night, and that, naturally, led to about 20 viewings, and my humming AWOLNATION all night. Which, come to think of it, was at least a temporary break from her singing Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. Which she watched three times in a row yesterday. Because she's silly like that]!

#12: Supposedly, by the time kids turn 18, they have seen over 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence on television.

Which, of course, leads to a lot of dreary, pedantic, causal articles basically sounding off, saying "See? Media exposure TOTALLY makes kids violent!" As someone doing some academic work on violence (okay, deflating puffed-out chest now), I admit that I do find a lot of the more sensationalized point-proof articles on this kind of thing tiresomely hasty to jump to conclusions, but those figures, if accurate, are pretty stunning.

The interesting thing is that a lot of the cursory research I did attributes those figures to a study done in 1997. This article, which is particularly preachy, cites the same stats, but is written in 2012. Hmm... 

Admittably, I only did a quick bout of research on this, but I still think it's time for google (and people in general) to catch up to the 21st century in regards to this kind of thing. Or at least pull up some accurate, up-to-date numbers.

And, in the meantime, go watch some awesome Looney Tunes violence. Or something.

Or, if that is too maudlin a note to leave off on, go watch Donald O'Connor sing "Make 'Em Laugh". Now there's some nice, wholesome, hilarious violence.

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