Thursday 4 July 2013

ERMABLERGH (Or: A Fact a Day Keeps Drudgery Away)

Hello Wisconsin.

I mean internet.


I'm a bit rusty on the whole blog front. I meant to kickstart one when I travelled through Australia and New Zealand, but that effectively devolved into a haphazard couple of facebook messages. So, as it stands, my last attempt at a blog was my 'MSN space' from grade 11. Remember that, kiddies? I had an ongoing series called "What Is Love?" I was so philosophical at age 16.

So. Ever hear one of them tales about those earnest people who attempt to learn a new fact every day to keep their minds fresh? Well, I am jumping on said well-intentioned bandwagon as of now, and putting it on the ol' trip-dub (said no one ever) to public-shame myself into keeping it daily. Place your bets as to how long it will take me to fail miserably at keeping this consistent now. I predict roughly four days.

Nonetheless, here's the first fact that piqued my curiosity:

1. [appropriately timed, given the date]

“Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?” is still on U.S. immigration forms to this day.

“Have you ever witnessed genocide?” and “Have you ever taken part in the looting or desecration of religious buildings?” are on the Canadian forms.

Whoa man.

So there. I learned something. Now, so did you! Unless you already knew it, of course. In that case, I've failed miserably. Unless you laughed at Van Der Beek. I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out how to copy a .gif, as I'm basically a dinosaur (and not even a cool one... probably one of the lamer ones, like a parasaurolophus. I always thought they were kind of the awkward cat ladies of the dinosaur world when I was a child) in the ways of the internet for someone who spends a shameful amount of time on it. I mean, I still thought to bust out "World Wide Web" as a joke people would get. Look at me go.      

So, that's it for the intro to my silly, indulgent blog. I'll probably post other things that I think about, or make me laugh, or whatever. Maybe turn it into a David Lynch twitter type of deal [I also just figured out - by myself! - how to insert a hyperlink, and giggled like a madman at my internet prowess. This is going to be fun]. 

Kristy thought my first post should stop at "Hello Wisconsin". She's likely far wiser than me. 



  1. Hooray!! A noble endeavour. I look forward to reading your future posts! Also, did you know that one of our German friends had to answer whether or not he or his family were involved in the holocaust... or was it WWII... when we went through customs to the US? I think that was the question... :/

  2. The world has gone mad I tell you maaaaaad. Welcome to the blogosphere my friend!
