Monday 22 July 2013

Who am I? Not Spider-Man. Or an orthorexic. Clearly.

So. Yes. Hi. I exist. I had contemplated trying to keep this going on a daily basis during my trip to Whistler with the lady, and then I thought, "Who am I kidding? Who am I to try to write this silliness in the midst of vacation mode? Matter of fact, who am I?"

No no no, shut up Tobey Maguire.

 (Not) speaking of Spider-Man, I also found this, which amused me:

Okay, but for realsies. Whistler boasted many fun moments. A baby dressed in a hippo onesie and a small, curious puppy on side-by-side paddleboards was a highlight. Obnoxiously taking pictures of a bored dog during an outdoor symphony concert was another. Mostly dogs and children, I guess. God, I hope that doesn't mean my proverbial biological clock is ticking. Fuhhh.

 In fun Comic Con news, ALL KINDS OF THINGS HAPPENED in the realm (lawl Thor) of Superhero movies. Best for me (apart from Tom Hiddleston's hosting, which was truly magnificent - "my wife loves you!"): Avengers 2: Age of Ultron! (and Kevin promptly squeals the loudest he has since Thanos). "But how are they going to bring in Ant-Man, to properly do the Pym storyline justice?!?!?!!" every Marvel nerd across the planet wails (coughALANTUDYKPLEASEcough). "Wait for Joss", say the powers-that-be. Grrr.

On to the realm (bwahahahaokayseriously) of real things, here's a fact o' the day I learned ages ago, but am, again, carrying forward due to laziness and interest.

#13: In addition to more documented physical/mental conditions like anorexia, there is also a condition called 'Orthorexia", which basically pertains to an obsession with eating healthily.

Sounds okay, right? Well, it would be, but, apparently, in many cases, said orthorexics can be so obsessed with the food they eat being healthy or 'pure' that it can be detrimental - in certain less intense cases, manifesting in ways like being unable to join friends for dinner at an 'unhealthy restaurant', or having anxiety about doing so, or, in more extreme cases, malnutrition or death.

Which, morose as that might sound, also made me think of Eddie Izzard's "Cake or death?" bit that was over-quoted to death in high school. And that made me smile. So there.

Speaking of me not being an orthorexic, I'm still kind of hungry, even though I had lunch(ish), so I'll probably amble off to eat something heinously unhealthy. In the meantime, my revelation of the day (not to be mistaken for fact of the day) is that the reason I enjoyed the music in Pacific Rim so much (probably more than the rest of the film, which I felt kind of bemused and confused towards... my review is here for all who are silly enough to be interested) is that it was done by Ramin Djawadi, the composer of Iron Man (which is basically my favourite film score ever) and Game of Thrones. So, part on this note, and spend the rest of your day wanting to dress in a giant robot suit and fight giant monsters. Or not. As you will.

Why has Pacific Rim plagued my blog so much? We'll never know. Kelly and I are confused about Hollywood these days and it seems to be at the centre of said confusion, so maybe that's why. Iunno. MONSTERS! 

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